2016-12-30 | 小编:Eileen | 4 |
尽管一月份的变题是在所难免的,但是这并不意味着一月考生无需准备任何话题了。Part 2话还是至少有一半的题目会留在题库之中,因此各位考生大可不必惊慌失措。其中有一些话题还是重中之重,那么现在静下心来,环球教育颜王团杨鑫老师带大家先把如下必会话题准备完。
A creative person you know
A person who you met recently but you want to know more about
A celebrity/famous person you like
A tall building that you like or dislike
A stadium in your city
A foreign country where you want to work for a short time
A piece of important equipment in your home
A science area or subject that you are interested in
An interesting tradition in your country
A small business you want to have in the future
A good way that helps you to save money
A movie you like/you dislike (真正考试中,一定要仔细看题干中的定语)
An interesting song to you
A website you often visit
An advertisement you saw before
A car trip (bike / motorbike) trip you want to have in the future
A short journey that you dislike but often take
A wedding you enjoyed
A time when you needed to use your imagination
A time when you ate something for the first time
其中关于话题“Describe a celebrity/famous person that you like.”鑫姐在这里碎碎念一下:
本话题要求描述一个你喜欢的名人,属于雅思口语考试人物类话题的第二大类别——即著名的人物。名人题的最大难点在于,你是否对他(她)熟悉或者了解。换句话讲,你是否能用英文将他们的所作所为表达清晰。往年的口语考试中出现过的此类话题有:歌手(Describe a singer you like)、运动员(Describe an athlete)、电影明星(Describe a movie star)、企业(Describe a enterpriser)。在描述这个人是谁、什么时候了解到ta的以及ta是做什么的以外,烤鸭们还应该重点说明为什么喜欢这位名人。有机会鑫姐再跟大家多聊聊其他的东西。